ValuePac ValuePac provides a comprehensive coverage on death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD). The lump sum benefits would be paid upon the first occurrence of death or TPD to the life assured. You will find this plan affordable as it is developed to best suit your income profile without limiting your ability to spend for other things that is dear to you. | |
Dimension Dimension is designed to fulfill your aspiration by combining guaranteed lifetime income with potentially higher returns from investment funds of your choice, all in one plan. | |
Honey & HoneyPlus Honey and Honey Plus give you life insurance protection while also helping you invest in the local and regional markets. That’s not all. Honey and Honey Plus also offer you the flexibility to tailor your investments to suit you and your family’s ever-changing needs whenever you like. You have the flexibility of paying your premiums annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly | |
HoneyPot HoneyPot allows you to participate in the rigors of investing in local and regional markets with the security of life insurance coverage. This makes investment easy and flexible for you depending on your long-term financial objectives |